Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Stairway to Heaven

This article was posted by Lacie, a good friend of mine on our Relief Society blog. Thought I would share it with you!

Some people look at life this way....up, down, up, down. On the other hand, there are people that strive for better times, and when they experience some, they get comfortable there and level out.

Eventually they become dissatisfied with their circumstances, and what was once wonderful becomes commonplace. They may feel low. But it isn't because they are low; it is because their divine nature beckons them to seek even better circumstances. They'll feel like they are on a low, and have come down from a "high." But from God's perspective, I believe it looks more like eternal progression, higher levels of awareness, continual learning, continual growth, and approaching their potential.

That horizontal wavy line can be rotated just forty-five degrees, and the ups and downs instead become...a stairway. True happiness comes from the feeling that our soul is expanding, that we are learning and applying something new that brings us closer to God. This is taken from "Hidden Treasures" by Leslie Householder...yep the same woman who wrote Jackrabbit Factor. I love that thought that our "divine nature" wants us to stretch ourselves!

1 comment:

KLE50 said...

Oh my goodness...what a gorgeous picture of lavender fields.

Hope you're feeling well.
Love ya,

Just Us Forever!

